August 8, 2011

More Wedding MadLibs!

The RSVPs have been rolling in every day! So I thought I'd share this past week's batch of "Celebrating this night will be _______." And a few more pictures of our pretty invitations.

And a few pictures of our pretty invitations:

Yes, I realize "White House" should be two words. But, I spent about a million hours addressing these, and I wasn't about to redo it.

If you're counting, so far, that's 24 people joining us in Las Vegas! I must say, I am impressed by the MadLib creativity!..And yes, for those of you who haven't mailed your RSVP yet, you should totally consider this a challenge. :) Can you top these MadLibs?


  1. I LOVE that you guys are doing things not so
    "cookie cutter" and you have both used a lot of creativity.

  2. Thanks Mom! We're doing our best to create a wedding that reflects who we are...glad you like it!


Here's where you cheer us on.