August 2, 2011

August To Do List

We've got about 11 weeks to go and we've accomplished most of the big things! From here on out a lot of the focus is going to be on the details. Here's how we did on last month's to-do list:

Book Hair/Makeup Artist: Check! Lori White will be doing our hair and makeup.

Book Florist: Hmmm... guess I didn't actually do this. I've decided who I want to go with, but I should probably inform them of this decision.

Book Officiant: Yep! Rev. Linda will be performing our ceremony. We had a skype meeting with her a few weeks ago and decided on most of our ceremony.

Finish Registry: Yes we did! We created a honeymoon registry as well as a more traditional registry.

Update Website: Check! Erik changed it a bit to match our invitations. We also added some information about other events. Friday, we'll have dinner and drinks at THEhotel. Thursday, we're planning to have a little gender segregation with dinners and bachelor/bachelorette parties later in the evening. We're still working out the details.

Design Invitations: Obviously, yes. Erik did a great job deal with a very particular customer (me).

Send Invitations: Yes indeedy!

Work on Writing the Ceremony: We planned a lot of this with Rev. Linda. We still need to pick some readings, decide on a few details, oh, and write those vows.

Shop for Wedding Rings: Erik reports that he's been looking. He's being very secretive.

Make Dress Fitting Appointments: I keep forgetting about this. And that's probably why I keep having dreams that I show up to the wedding and realize I never had it fitted and it falls off me.

Get Dress Cleaned: Dear pretty dress, I promise I will get you cleaned up really soon.

Here's what we're working on this month:

All the stuff that we need to finish up from last month: Book Florist, Dress Cleaning, Dress Fitting.

Plan the Thursday night bachelor and bachelorette dinners and parties.

Plan menu for Friday welcome reception.

Order the cake.

Start DIYing and purchasing decor.

Buy Erik's suit.

Design additional paper (programs, signage, etc.)

Buy wedding bands.

Work on ceremony and vows.

So that's where we're at! I'm not sure what I'm more excited for October 22nd or October 23rd...Our wedding day or the day when all of the planning is over. :) It's about 50/50.

P.S.-- Our blog recently surpased the 1,000 pageviews mark (as of right now, 1,093 to be exact). I feel special. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Ann, your wedding planning is awesome. I hope the pictures we took of the Plantinum Hotel will help in your decorating plan. Erik, the invites are really great - you did an awesome job designing them.

  2. Thanks Mom! Yes, the pictures are a big help. :)

  3. Let me know if I can be of help, I like DIY :)


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