August 1, 2011

First RSVPs!

Look what we got in the mail today!

Not one...not two...but THREE RSVPs! Woohoo!

Three big winners! First friend to RSVP goes to .... drumroll ... Wind Goodfriend! First bridal party member to RSVP ... it's a tie ... Chris and Wally Okpych! And finally, first family members to RSVP goes to Fred and Dolores Brandt, Erik's grandparents! Their prize? A feeling of superiority.

Of the three, only Chris and Wally interpreted "Celebrating this night will be ________" the way we intended. As wedding madlibs!

To be fair, 1) We realized this was open to interpretation, and it had potential for confusion. and 2) I told Chris what it was for. :)

So if you're counting, as of today, that's 5 confirmed guests. Keep those RSVPs coming!

As an added bonus, Erik and I decided we should pose in the most ridiculous ways possible with our first RSVPs. (Sorry for the blurriness...took these really quickly.)

So who looks more ridiculous? Ann or Erik? Our comment section is fixed (knock on wood) so feel free to vote below!


  1. aww, I love this! I remember racing Bobby to the mailbox everyday because I wanted to see them all first. Keep the pics coming please. I'm looking forward to reading the fun madlibs :) Love you guys! ~Holly

  2. Thanks Holly, but Ann actually made me wait for her to get home to check the mail. Looking forward to seeing you RSVP in there though!


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